




The car has oil, the cell phone has electricity, and Cary has money. That's the sense of security. It expects others to be bullshit. No matter how hard the co-driver is, it's better to grip the steering wheel by himself.




It's the best life to be clean every night, to fall asleep exhausted with peace of mind, to wake up fresh, calm and energetic every day.




What is perfect? It's the volume of the headphones that just covers the outside noise. When the alarm clock rings, you just wake up naturally, and the person you love just loves you.




No matter what age you are, I think we should all learn to be gentle with the people around us, at least not to add to others by saying things, because you may not know that language really has a magical power, it will let the person you love love love love you, will also let the person who loves you decide to leave you.


5、做不了决定的时候,让时间帮你决定。如果还是无法决定,做了再说。宁愿犯错,不留遗憾。When you can't make a decision, let time decide for you. If you still can't decide, do it again. Better make mistakes than regret.




The older I grow up, the more I realize that the most important thing I can do is to have my family. I don't want to be rich or rich. I want my family to be painless, disease-free and healthy.




Gradually learned that many things can be met but not sought, do not belong to their own, why desperately care about, you care about what, what will torture you, expectation is the root of all heartache.




People will never cherish three kinds of people: one is easy to get; the other is never to leave; and the third is that it has always been good for you. But often these three people will never come back once they leave.





Don't be too obsessed with the present or worry about the future. When you experience something, the scenery is different from the past.




Don't get acquainted with anyone too quickly. Don't think that the topic is the same at the beginning. There are many things in common. You are the intimate friends who hate meeting late. Language is often false, and what we experience together is true.




People like rainbows know when they meet. Interesting souls will eventually meet. Before that, try to be a better self.




When you grow up in the world, sometimes you tell the truth, you have to apologize to others, because you have punctured the truth. So if you want to live smoothly, take your mind with you all the time.




You're going to be a quiet adult. Do not be emotional, do not secretly miss, do not look back. Live a different life for yourself. Be obedient, not all fish will live in the same ocean.




Don't care too much about the superficial emotions between people; people who have close acquaintances don't need them; people who have extensive acquaintances don't need them. Emotion, you don't care, it won't hurt you.




When something goes wrong with your body, you will realize that everything you worry about is fart, you are full, you are idle, and it is more important to live healthily than anything else.




The reasons for all the weakening of the relationship are not to say, not to ask. One asks embarrassingly, the other answers perfunctorily, does not say, thinks that the other party understands, does not ask, thinks that the other party has changed, and finally becomes speechless from speechless to speechless.




Never be poor, never be naive. Maturity is only good at hiding, vicissitudes of life are just no tears and injuries.




Man, with a dream of red mansions, he lives in the world of the Marsh. He wants to make some brothers in Taoyuan in the Three Kingdoms, but he always encounters some devils in his travels to the West.




The more people do it, the easier it is for you to get out. So many times, you should be grateful to those who don't care about you. No sorrow is greater than death, and no luck is more complete than death.




Some things, not the thicker the better, to be just right. Deep words, we say shallowly, the long road we take slowly.



上一篇 2022年7月19日
下一篇 2022年7月19日


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